Matters needing attention during the use of plastic inspection well die
1 .放置预制件的场地必须平整。
1. the site for prefabricating must be smooth.
2 .预制之前模具内须擦脱模剂或脱模油。
2. before prefabrication, mold release agent or mold release oil must be wiped in the mold.
3 .检查井模具装有混凝土的模具必须放平整。
3. the mold with concrete in the mold of the check well must be leveled.
4 .禁止在4度以下预制构件。
4. the prefabricated component is prohibited below 4 degrees.
5 .脱模后暂时不用的模具必须在清理后摆放整齐.防止变形.。
5. the moulds, which are not used temporarily after stripping, must be placed in order after cleaning. To prevent deformation.
6 .脱模时使用的敲击工具必须是木锤或皮锤.。
6. the percussion tool used for stripping must be a wood hammer or a skin hammer.
7 .脱模JDG金属穿线管 不锈钢链板 隔离墩模具 检查井钢模具 流水槽模具 阶梯护坡模具 护坡砖模具 遮板模具时要用脱模器或下面垫麻袋片或垫稻草袋或废轮胎,检查井模具以防损坏预制件和模具。
The 7. release to release or mat or pad of rice straw bags or sacks of waste tire inspection wells in order to prevent damage to the mold preform and die.
8 .震动平台上要经常清理,保持平整,收工时清理干净。
8. vibration platform should always clean, neat, clean up tim


  1. 名称:保定巨盛模具制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13833064090
  3. 电话:15188633222
  4. 联系人:高经理
  5. 地址:河北省保定市清苑区阎庄乡中阎庄村

版权 © 保定巨盛模具制造有限公司 网址:  推荐:检查井钢模板,六棱块模具,流水槽模板,排水槽模具
