Basic understanding of slope protection mould
护坡模具在制作的时候,是需要耗费一定的生产材料的,并且根据现在工程的需要,一般情况下,我们都是将该模具设计成可以重复进行流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨生产的样式。在生产护坡模具的时候,一般所使用的材料基本上都是价格比较便宜的聚丙烯工程塑料产品,虽然该材料的购买价格比较低,但是我们却不能因为价格而小看该材料的性质。
When making the slope protection mold, it needs to consume certain production materials. According to the needs of the current project, generally, we design the mold into a pattern that can be produced repeatedly. In the production of slope protection molds, the materials generally used are polypropylene engineering plastics products with relatively low prices. Although the purchase price of the material is relatively low, we can't underestimate the nature of the material because of the price.


  1. 名称:保定巨盛模具制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13833064090
  3. 电话:15188633222
  4. 联系人:高经理
  5. 地址:河北省保定市清苑区阎庄乡中阎庄村

版权 © 保定巨盛模具制造有限公司 网址:  推荐:检查井钢模板,六棱块模具,流水槽模板,排水槽模具
