Prefabricated concrete inspection wells can be divided into circular and rectangular according to their chamber shape. According to material properties, they can be divided into ordinary prefabricated concrete inspection wells and corrosion-resistant prefabricated concrete inspection wells. It can be connected with pipeline by rigid interface or flexible apron interface. The size, location and number of prefabricated concrete inspection wellbore steps, wellbore openings or reserved pipe openings, and the location of hoisting rings or hoisting holes can be determined by design. Prefabricated concrete inspection wells can be manufactured by single piece or parts as a whole according to the size, weight and specific production mode of each component of the inspection wells.


  1. 名称:保定巨盛模具制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13833064090
  3. 电话:15188633222
  4. 联系人:高经理
  5. 地址:河北省保定市清苑区阎庄乡中阎庄村

版权 © 保定巨盛模具制造有限公司 网址:  推荐:检查井钢模板,六棱块模具,流水槽模板,排水槽模具
